This Level 3, foundation qualification provides you with a broad knowledge of all the aspects of a Clerk’s work – roles and responsibilities, the law, procedures, finance planning and community involvement. CiLCA is suitable for all officers working with local Councils. CiLCA is flexible enough to suit candidates from the diversity of local Councils. We recommend that you’re in post for a minimum of 9 months before starting this qualification.
CiLCA will demonstrate that you have the knowledge, confidence and skills to: inform your Council’s activities, its roles and responsibilities; advise on its duties and powers within the law; ensure its compliance with proper financial practices
CiLCA can help you to support your Council to: achieve standards of good practice and procedures; adapt to changing legislation; involve and engage with community; set out its budget and strategy accordingly
Furthermore, CiLCA qualifies you and your Council in England for the purposes of the Local Council Award Scheme (Quality and Quality Gold) and eligibility to use the General Power of Competence
As an employer, the Council should support you; it is advised to
- Pay all costs: The investment is rewarded from the outset.
- Manage your workload: Too many demands can hinder your achievement.
- Provide and protect study time if your hours allow it: It is worth preventing delay.
- Show an interest in your progress: This is encouraging and demonstrates support.
- Listen to your advice: The aim is to improve the Council’s performance.
- Complete the training needs analysis questionnaire available via
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - Meet with CiLCA tutor to discuss your training plan.
- Follow the guidance given by the CiLCA tutor
- Attend Clerk Toolkit and other training if needed
- Agree with your Council to undertake the qualification
- Complete the CiLCA Learning Agreement
- Download the portfolio guide to help you study.
- Attend at least the first two portfolio training sessions.
- Apply to SLCC to take the CiLCA qualification
- Start to submit your portfolio using EMMA.
How much will it cost?
The CiLCA course if offered through WALC as a whole course - 5 sessions run bimonthly covering all CiLCA units. The total cost is £390.00 for the whole course, payable in advance of the course start date. Each year we run one course which this year will start in October and end in June 2025.
CiLCA Intake Dates
All prospective CiLCA candidates will be registered through the SLCC on the EMMA system in bi-monthly intakes. Candidates will have one year from the intake date to complete the CiLCA qualification. There are separate costs associated with registration on EMMA - please check with the SLCC for current prices.